Anytime a prospective buyer is looking to buy a new home one of the worries is if the appliances in their new home are going to be up to par. After a client moves into their new dream home, the last thing they want to think about are appliance break downs. Purchasing a Sherwood HVAC Warranty is one of the simplest ways to ease their minds and boost attraction to the homes that need it the most.
Advertising that your listings come with Sherwood HVAC Warranties not only help boost attractions to listed homes, but encourage prospective home buyers to seek out homes that have a home warranty included. A study by the Service Industry Council found that properties that come with a home warranty typically sell for $2,300 more and 11 days faster than homes without a warranty. In other words, offering peace of mind to your clients is well worth the investment.
Show your buyers that you really care about their investment! First time home buyers are more inclined to buy homes with a home warranty already included in the package. You want your buyers knowing that you have their best interests at heart, buying a home warranty for them is a perfect way to show them you care about them during and after the sale.